Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Artist of the Month- Alex Cutler

*How would you describe your style of art?
- I paint people; however, at this juncture I have no interest in capturing who the people are or even their precise likeness. I often aim to evoke, unsettle and perplex; I find people are the best vessel to convey these emotions due to how easy it is for the viewer to relate and attempt to make sense of the situations I paint them in. Subject matter varies and I often find myself painting situations that dance the line between real and surreal with no clear evidence that the situation was invented or actually took place. On the technical side I paint oil on canvas and draw in graphite/charcoal. I embrace classical style and pull inspiration from a multitude of artist (Freud, Manet, Borremans, Schiele, Fischl). I aim to play with the viewer through my brush strokes and leave evidence that they are in fact looking at a painting.

*Can you tell me a bit about your art-making process?
It all starts with a thought or feeling that I develop into a situation to paint. I then search for source material either through images pulled from films/books/photographs to formulate my situation or I orchestrate it from life and snap a series of photos to work from ( most of my situations would be to difficult to paint from life). I then have a time frame to paint this before I lose my interest so I will spend everyday from 9-5 or later painting and listen to music or watching documentaries, most often about War. if I do not complete it in time It is abandoned or destroyed. 

*What motivates you to create? 
-This question is silly to me. It just happens.  There is no one thing nor group of things I could specifically write here. I will tell you however that like all things creative; it comes in waves and cannot be forced. When I'm hot there is nothing I cannot do and my productivity reflects it. When I'm not, I shouldn't even pick up a brush because I'm likely to do more bad than good.
*Do you incorporate creativity-boosting activities into your daily routine?
-I recently started drinking coffee however I think my tolerance is too low so it can sometime hinder my abilities. 

*Do you have a strong purpose or goal with your art?
- I want my art to hit on a multitude of levels. I aim to evoke some sort of initial response (confusion,wonder, unease). I aim to create something impressive technically to affirm to those who are uncomfortable and question the imagery that I can in-fact paint and chose to paint this for a reason. Which leads to my goal of pushing the boundaries within the art community of can be painted. I feel something seemingly drab and mundane can carry the same impact of something bright colorful and I enjoy playing between the two. I also aim to create something that will provide prolonged entertainment and strike one in a multitude of ways for years to come. 
*If you had advice for other aspiring artists what would it be?
- Be ready to fail. It is not easy and it's not a "job."  There is no paycheck and security. On the bright side there are a lot of ways to be an artist these days and you can make it as one if you are passionate and smart. The question is what do you aim to achieve with your art and can you survive doing it.  Are you going to make doggy portraits and sell them consistently to everyone around town or are you going to try and make something true that may offend and rub the wrong way but potentially have actual value. My sincere apologies to those who make really good doggy portraits.

Get a little bit more personal with Alex and check him out at:

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