Sunday, July 7, 2013

Artist of the Month- Bergerbot

Hey all you Denverites!! Are you looking for something fun to do on these long Summer days?? Come cool down at the Buffalo Exchange Annex and check out the sickeningly cute art of Bergerbot!! His art show will be up until the end of July!!!!

*How would you describe your style of art?
-Fun and flavorful. All the cool colors of the late 1980's mixed with all the best flavors from the early 1990's. It's both innocent and suggestive. 

*Can you tell me a bit about your art-making process?
-I live in a magical place that is full of vinyl toys, nostalgia and art. I genuinely paint things that I would want myself. I'll usually buy glitter, start listening to rad music on Spotify, and then just begin spraying paint, bubblegum, and slime everywhere. 

 *What motivates you to create?
-Besides the fact that painting for me is primarily a self therapy, I'd say that I am motivated by the reactions my past works have caused. I enjoy making people smile, laugh and hearing people say, "That's gross".  

*Do you have a strong purpose or goal with your art?
-My primary goal is to remind others of their inner-child. Don't ever forget about him or her. 

 *If you had advice for other aspiring artists what would it be? 
- Never stop creating, and listen to your friends. 

*Any other words??
-Most days you can find me on Instagram taking pictures of my cat's shenanigans, cheeseburgers, or posting ratchet photos of my trap rap group - Trapper Keeper. Let's be friends! @Bergerbot

**Buffalo Exchange would like to thank Jared Berger for allowing us to display his rad art!!**

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